Online Resources
Some useful Internet links
Where's My IRS Refund?
Check the status of your IRS refund
Minnesota Revenue Dept
Website for the Minnesota Department of Revenue
US Senate
Keep up with active legislation in the Senate.
Iowa Secretary of State
Iowa Secretary of State website
Iowa Department of Revenue
Iowa Department of Revenue website.
U.S. Treasury Service
One of the most frequently visited sites in America. The Internal Revenue Service has more than you would ever want to know regarding taxes.
Center for Agrcultural Law & Taxation
Information in taxes and other issues relevant to farming, business and rural life.
Nebraska Department of Revenue
Website for the Nebraska Department of Revenue
The Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration web site. This is a great place to request earnings reports or to ask questions about Social Security.
US House of Representatives
Keep up with active legislation in the House.
Retail Sites
File your own taxes
Try this site if you want to prepare your own taxes.